During this event, participants explore the impact of adopting a human rights-based approach within development organizations, especially in contexts where civic space is shrinking. Representatives from CARE, DKA Austria, Light for the World, and their partner organisations from the Global South will discuss how they implement this approach, what it means in practice, and highlight the tangible differences a human rights-based approach has on their work.

We will explore key questions such as: 

  • What does it mean to apply a human rights-based approach in specific situations? 
  • What are the tangible benefits of this approach? 
  • How does it influence the planning and execution of development projects?

Following insightful presentations, there will be time for open discussion, where we can share lessons learned, discuss recent updates on human rights and development, and connect with others in the field. 


Please register by 31 October 2024. Participation is free of charge.

Bitte warten…

Please note:

  • We will confirm your participation after 31 October, as we can only guarantee one place per member organization in case of great interest. Places are allocated in the order in which registrations are received. Staff members other organizations are placed in a later order and will also be notified in the days before the event.
  • You can unregister up to 24 hours before the event by sending an email to veranstaltungen@globaleverantwortung.at. In case of absence without prior notice, we will charge a fee of EUR 100,-.
  • Photographs or videos may be taken during the event for future use, for example on our website, social media and in publications. If you do not wish to be photographed or filmed, please inform the photographer/videographer and the event manager at the start of the event.