Development cooperation and humanitarian aid take place in a complex, inter-related, non-linear, and constantly changing world. Traditional project design with a linear input-output-impact logic often falls short in addressing these complexities. NGOs trying to address huge problems with limited resources find themselves in a consant cycle of reacting to immediate crises in fragmented ways. Systems Thinking helps to move away from conventional project design an implementation, to deal with the root causes of the challenges at hand and to facilitate the necessary change within the organization and its processes.

The objective of this workshop is to introduce participants to the skills, knowledge, and tools required to apply a systems mindset in their thinking, working practices and decision-making. Participants will gain insight into how to approach upcoming challenges systematically, take multiple perspectives and develop impactful solutions. The workshop tries to connect with current challenges changing development cooperation such as localization and the consequences of climate change.

The agenda of the workshop will respond flexible to the interests and learning goals of the participants. There will be space for mutual learning and exchange of experience.


Johannes Köpl is systemic organisational consultant, trainer and coach at Trainconsulting. He has many years of international experience in organisation and leadership development working with business, public and non-profit organisations. He considers himself a designer of transformation processes that go below the surface, a trailblazer and provider of confidence on journeys into uncharted territory.


Participation is open for staff members of the member organizations of Global Responsibility. Please register by 11 November 2024.

Bitte warten…

We appreciate your understanding that we can guarantee only one spot per member organization. If more people are interested, we will keep a waiting list and inform everyone on the waiting list until 13 November whether participation is possible.

If you are unable to attend the workshop, please email at least 24 hours in advance. In case of absence without prior notice, we have to charge a fee of EUR 100,-.

In case of questions, please contact

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