Persons with disabilities face specific barriers that increase their risks and vulnerability to existing threats in humanitarian crises.
The Data that Matter Rapid Assessment Tool was developed with persons with disabilities and humanitarian actors to identify these individuals and assess the barriers and enablers they face in accessing assistance.

This mixed methods tool includes quantitative parts based on the Washington Group questions to capture disability prevalence and its link to barriers and enablers. The qualitative parts aim to capture nuanced lived experiences, providing insights into the challenges and support for these groups. The data generated can support better programming by humanitarian actors, advocacy efforts by local actors such as organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), and immediate referral of respondents to existing services and actors.


Nadir Abu-Samra-Spencer is Data Analyst at Light for the World International and has tested the newly developed tool at scale in rural IDP camps and the state capital of Cabo Delgado.


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A Humanitarian Quickie is a basic 60 minutes online session comprising an experts input, Questions and Answers, peer-exchange and debate. The individual sessions are intended to give interested staff in the member organisations of GLOBAL RESPONSIBILITY – Austrian Platform for development and humanitarian aid and their partner organisations a rough overview of the respective topic. They can be attended independently of each other.