In the morning, the trainers will present the 10 benchmarks of the tool for change on organization, project, and partnership levels. They will give example of actions plans from Global Focus member organizations developed on basis of these benchmarks. In addition, they will discuss how to manage change and expectations in the mainstreaming process.

In the afternoon, the trainers will look at mainstreaming in practice, with a focus on tracking green projects and programs.

A more detailed description of the training and the agenda will be provided in August.


Sigrid Bjerre Andersen, Senior Climate Policy Advisor at Global Focus

Tommy Pedersen, Senior Programme Manager of Programme Design, Greening & Innovation, Plan Bornefonden


Participation is open for staff members of the member organizations of Global Responsibility. Please register by 10 September 2024.

Bitte warten…

We appreciate your understanding that we can guarantee only one spot per member organization. If more people are interested, we will keep a waiting list and inform everyone on the waiting list until 12 September whether participation is possible.

If you are unable to attend the workshop, please email at least 24 hours in advance. In case of absence without prior notice, we have to charge a fee of EUR 100,-.

In case of questions, please contact

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