Resilience and income creation in the Sahel Afrika, Burkina Faso, Mali, HOPE’87 Ländliche Entwicklung & Ernährungssicherheit, Umwelt, Energie & Klimawandelanpassung, Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Lieferketten & Finanzsektor
Resilience and income creation in the Sahel The overall objective of this project is to create resilience and income in the Sahel region. This multi-approach project was an adapted and innovative response in the field of sustainable development in the cross-border area between Burkina Faso and Mali. It provides support for capacity building of economic interest groups as well as for agricultural and poultry production, environmental protection, training for mothers in infant and young child feeding, rational management of natural resources, accessibility to drinking water, facilitation of transport conditions between production sites and markets as well as the creation of community sports and cultural infrastructures to consolidate peace between the populations of the project area, with a special focus on young people in order to improve their living conditions at home and not let them be tempted to migrate. Infos & Kontakt Robert Ottitsch E-Mail: Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung