Die Globale Verantwortung, Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklung und Humanitäre Hilfe,

vertritt als Dachverband national und international die Interessen von 38 österreichischen Nichtregierungsorganisationen, die in den Bereichen internationale Entwicklung, Humanitäre Hilfe und entwicklungspolitische Inlandsarbeit tätig sind.

Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN)

UN Tax Convention negotiations is a historic opportunity to reform the broken international tax system

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The leadership of the Group of African States in establishing a UN process towards a legally binding convention on international tax cooperation has meant that for the first time in history, all governments of the world are negotiating on issues of international tax on equal footing. It is a historic opportunity for governments to make progress on addressing an outdated international tax system leading to hundreds of billions of dollars in lost public revenue.

Outside view by Pooja Rangaprasad


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