Report (EN) The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021 Screenshot / United Nations (19.10.2021) The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2021 was released by the United Nations through the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. The report provides an overview of the current state of the 17 SDGs and the progress made towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Within the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused adverse effects on the advancements of the SDGs. The pandemic has disproportionately affected the poorest people in the world and continues to hurt those living in the least developed countries by exposing their inequalities. weiter
Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN) Another squandered year? The role of the EU in the upcoming negotiations for a UN binding treaty on business and human rights Jill McArdle © private (19.10.2021) With the 7th round of negotiations on the UN binding treaty on its way, we look at the 3rd draft and what it says about the treaty process. With little change from the last version of the treaty, there is no excuse for states not to dig in and start negotiating seriously. Yet shamefully the EU still won’t be at the table. This next year will be decisive for the EU: with a regional law on corporate accountability on its way, they need to step up and get ready to finally engage in negotiations. Outside View by Jill McArdle weiter
Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN) EU’s response to COVID-19: Not the moment to play ‘hide and seek’ with the SDGs (16.12.2020) The COVID-19 crisis is reversing progress on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While the virus has impacted everyone, developing countries are the worst affected. The 2030 Agenda is about achieving 17 transformational goals to reduce poverty and inequality globally, but the EUs response to the pandemic seems not to have been designed with this in mind. It is key that COVID-19 recovery plans are aligned with the SDGs. But what are the first steps the EU should take to put the 2030 Agenda at the centre of efforts to recover from the COVID-19 crisis? Outside View by Alexandra Rosen weiter
Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN) New rules on reporting debt relief as aid lack credibility and signal a decline in the OECD’s statistical culture Hedwig Riegler © privat (11.11.2020) The traditional measure of foreign aid is “official development assistance” (ODA). Figures on ODA have been compiled by the OECD since 1969, based on annual reports from members of its Development Assistance Committee (DAC), a club of aid donor countries. ODA figures have been of fundamental importance in tracking global aid efforts and fulfilment of aid pledges, including against the United Nations target of raising aid to 0.7% of rich countries’ national income. Outside View by Hedwig Riegler weiter
Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN) COVID-19 Response: Is the World Bank right about not suspending debt service payments of developing countries? A Pro & Contra (16.09.2020) The COVID-19-pandemic and its social and economic consequences are hitting developing countries particularly hard. Many of these countries are heavily in debt and lack the financial resources to address the crisis effectively. Nevertheless, the World Bank has so far been reluctant to suspend debt service payments of developing countries, which would free up much-needed resources. While some experts argue that this is justified since suspending debts would jeopardize the World Bank’s financing model, others criticize the Bank for getting priorities wrong. The following Pro & Contra summarizes the most important arguments of both sides. A Pro & Contra by Scott Morris and Iolanda Fresnillo weiter
Report (EN) European Environment State and Outlook 2020 Report European Environment Agency (04.03.2020) According to the European Environment State and Outlook 2020, European Union Member States are currently facing environmental challenges on a substantially larger scale than ever before. They require immediate action from policy makers, large companies and the public. weiter
Kommentar der Anderen | Outside View (EN) Do we need a European Development Bank? (13.11.2019) A recent report to the EU proposes the creation of a new European Climate and Sustainable Development Bank. Peter Wolff, researcher at the German Development Institute, and Xavier Sol, director of Counter Balance, comment on the Pros & Cons of adding a new institution to the existing financial architecture for development. A Pro & Contra by Peter Wolff and Xavier Sol weiter
Conclusions 5th Humanitarian Congress Vienna: – The Future of Humanitarian Aid – Conclusions (30.04.2019) Conflicts are becoming more protracted, populations and inequality grows and environmental disasters are on the rise. Needs of humanitarian assistance, both short- and long-term, will be acute and widespread. In the next years policy and the aid sector will need to evolve and adapt. Considering the discussions of the 5th Humanitarian Congress and taking into account the experience and expertise of the 14 Austrian humanitarian organizations responsible for organising the Humanitarian Congress Vienna we conclude with the following demands for the Future of Humanitarian Aid: weiter
Magazine (EN) FUNKENSPRUNG – MAGAZINE FOR GLOBAL ENCOURAGEMENT (26.02.2019) Many people strive every day to ensure a bright future for the planet and those that live on it. This is why the global community, represented by the United Nations, has adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In our unique magazine for global encouragement we will present you with some extraordinary examples of successful projects. weiter
Unterstützte Position EuropeAid: DEAR Call 2016 (07.04.2016) While the new EuropeAid Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) Call 2016 is highly appreciated as a timely call for proposals reflecting very well the development and DEAR priorities of the European union as well as new international frameworks like the SDGs and the outcomes of COP21, it – however – holds a very problematic and threatening administrative provision on page 18 of the guidelines. 19 NGOs platforms/networks and 53 NGOs wrote a joint letter to the European Commission calling for a Corrigendum. weiter
Publikation Guide: to EuropeAid funding instruments 2014–2020 (18.11.2014) This CONCORD report aims to provide the reader with a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the instruments and programmes (both thematic and geographic) used by the European Union (EU) in its development cooperation. weiter