Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklung und Humanitäre Hilfe
Key institutions and training opportunities on humanitarian assistance issues.
UN OCHA’s ReliefWeb provides a comprehensive overview of training and capacity-building opportunities for humanitarian staff, as well as up-to-date information on humanitarian crises around the world. The platform offers search and filter options and is constantly updated by an editorial team. Information is selected from more than 4,000 sources, including humanitarian organisations at international and local level, at EU level (e.g. VOICE, VENRO, DG ECHO), as well as educational and research institutions. In addition, the platform offers the latest reports, maps and infographics from trusted sources, sorted by topic.
(DE) ReliefWeb von UN OCHA bietet eine umfassende Übersicht über Trainings- und Weiterbildungsangebote für die Kapazitätsentwicklung von Mitarbeiter*innen humanitärer Organisationen und aktuelle Informationen über humanitäre Krisen weltweit. Die Plattform erlaubt die Anwendung von Such- und Filterfunktionen und wird von einem Redaktionsteam ständig aktualisiert. Informationen stammen von über 4.000 Quellen, darunter humanitäre Organisationen auf internationaler und lokaler Ebene, auf EU-Ebene (z.B. VOICE, VENRO, DG ECHO), sowie Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen. Zudem stellt die Plattform neueste Berichte, Karten und Infografiken vertrauenswürdiger Quellen thematisch geordnet vor.
ALNAP is a network of nearly 100 humanitarian organisations whose secretariat covers a wide range of topics and manages HELP (Humanitarian Evaluation, Learning and Performance), the largest collection of resources in the humanitarian sector. In particular, we would like to recommend the 2022 State of the Humanitarian System (SOHS) report.
(DE) ALNAP ist ein Netzwerk von knapp 100 Institutionen im Bereich humanitäre Assistenz, dessen Sekretariat eine Vielfalt an Themen aufbereitet und die größte Ressourcensammlung im humanitären Sektor, HELP (Humanitarian Evaluation, Learning and Performance), verwaltet. Besonders ans Herz legen möchten wir euch den Bericht State of the Humanitarian System (SOHS) aus dem Jahr 2022.
The online platform from Kaya offers free face-to-face learning opportunities from various organisations in addition to online learning. Here are some of the highlights:
(DE) Die Online-Plattform von Kaya präsentiert zusätzlich zu kostenlosen Online- auch Präsenz-Lernangebote verschiedener Organisationen. Einige Highlights wollen wir Euch vorstellen:
The website contains guidelines, policy documents, manuals and tools on almost every humanitarian issue at global and local level, often in several languages. These documents are designed to help humanitarian actors improve the effectiveness of humanitarian action.
(DE) Auf der Webseite findet Ihr Leitlinien, Policy-Dokumente, Handbücher und Tools zu praktisch jedem Thema der Humanitären Hilfe auf globaler sowie lokaler Ebene, oftmals in mehreren Sprachen. Anhand dieser Unterlagen sollen humanitäre Akteur*innen dazu beitragen können,Wirksamkeit humanitärer Maßnahmen zu verbessern.
Centre of Competence for Humanitarian Negotiation (CCHN)
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) online self-study courses available on the Kaya platform:
ADA Anti-Corruption
“Preventing and combating corruption as part of promoting good governance is a major goal of Austrian Development Cooperation. Based on international standards, such as the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, the final document of the High Level Forum in Busan, the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) or the OECD DAC Principles for Donor Action in Anti-Corruption, Austria is engaged in both internally and externally preventing and combating corruption.In-house corruption prevention.”
U4 Anti-Corruption Ressource Centre (at the CMI)
Transparency Interntional
CALP Network – Choice and Dignity for People in Crisis: The Network offers curated collections of publications and other resources, a library, a collection of blogs and recordings, research and training, e.g., Why Data Rights Matter a self-driected online training on the Kaya Paltform.
The Programme Quality Toolbox consists of a set of common standards and actions for quality cash and voucher assistance, organised according to the stages of the CVA programme cycle.
Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
CARE Climate Academy: find self-paced courses, learningjourneys, trainer packs and customised training offers.
The Learning Stream on Climate Change and Humanitarian Action of the International Council of Voluntary Agencies(ICVA) Humanitarian Hub, provides a platform for the broader humanitarian community to better understand how we can reduce our impact of climate change by accelerating our own action, while also increasing environmental sustainability in line with commitments made within the Climate and Environment Charter for Humanitarian Organisations.
The International Recovery Platform (IRP) is a global partnership working to strengthen knowledge and share experiences and lessons on building back better in recovery, rehabilitation, and reconstruction:
Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI)
Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR)
The UNDRR Global Education and Training Institute (GETI): has a global mandate to provide capacity building support to mainstream disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation into sustainable development; convene and support inter-city learning to strengthen resilience (Making Cities Resilient); and to provide capacity building and best practice sharing support to national training institutions working on resilience issues.
The UNDP Crisis Academy upscales crisis capabilities corporately across multiple thematic areas to ensure UNDP’s vision for the future of development becomes a reality—even when conflict, disaster and shocks threaten progress.
The Nexus Academy is an initiative delivered by the UN-DAC Dialogue Group:
The Kaya Platform provides several self-directed online courses from diverse organisations, e.g.:
The International NGO Safety Organisation (INSO) offers security products and services, ranging from alerts, data dashboards and analysis through to training and emergency support.
UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS)
Online-Trainings (self-directed) on the Kaya Platform:
The centre offers a wide variety of courses which are re developed in close consultation with the Centre’s academic and humanitarian. There are residential courses; however, most courses are available online, like the MOOC (Massive Online Open Course).
The free digital learning platform atingi leverages the potential of digitisation and offers free learning opportunities that address critical employment and educational skill gaps in emerging markets worldwide.
The signature program of the Cornerstone OnDemand Foundation provides unlimited access to over 1,500 free learning resources on essential humanitarian skills in English, French, Spanish and Arabic.
The online training modules are available to anyone as self-paced courses and are provided free of charge.
The United Nations Institute for Training and research offers a wide range of trainings in several langauges including (self-paced) online trainings for free. Among the main pirllars are Peace, People, Planet, Prosperity, Accelerating SDG.