Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklung und Humanitäre Hilfe
The next Multiannual Financial Framework of the EU and its implications on External Actions and Development Cooperation
Freitag, 14.Dezember im Haus der Europäischen Union
With MEP Othmar Karas, Richard Kühnel (EC), Michaela Ellmeier (BMeiA) and Karine Sohet (Aprodev/CONCORD).
The current negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 (MFF) will determine the EU’s new budget, thereby locking-in the EU’s main policy priorities for the next seven years. By deciding on the priorities and resources for external action and development, the EU will decide which global role it sees for itself in the future.
The European Commission proposed to significantly increase the spending for the European Development Fund and the budget heading ‚Global Europe, which includes development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Austria and many other Member States do not want to see the overall EU budget increase. At the extraordinary European Council in November, a decision on the MFF could not be reached and was postponed to 2013.
After a keynote speech by MEP Othmar Karas, representatives from the European Commission, the Austrian Government and the civil society will discuss the future of Global Europe and the possible outcome of the next Council.
9:00 Welcome
9:05 Keynote by MEP Othmar Karas
9:40 Discussion: The next MFF: Priorities of the EU and its member states – What is the future of Global Europe and EU development cooperation?– Richard Kühnel (European Commission, Head of Representation in Austria)– Michaela Ellmeier (Austrian MEIA, Department for Development Cooperation)– Karine Sohet (Aprodev/CONCORD)
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Info-Session: The next MFF – Instruments and programmes for development cooperation and humanitarian aid (with Karine Sohet Aprodev/CONCORD)
11:45 End
Please register: jakob.mussil@globaleverantwortung.atInvitation
Presentation Karine Sohet