Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Entwicklung und Humanitäre Hilfe
(2.5.2013) Nachdem am 30.4. die österreichische zivilgesellschaftliche Positionierung zur Post-2015 Agenda veröffentlicht wurde, präsentierte CONCORD heute eine weitere, weitaus umfangreichere Position. Sie umfasst zahlreiche Themen und Vorschläge zur Ausgestaltung der Nachfolgeagenda der Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), welche 2015 auslaufen werden. Über 100 NRO aus ganz Europa beteiligten sich an der Erstellung des über 40-seitigen Papers. Die Devise heißt „Business as usual is not an option“.
“Thanks to the MDGs, huge progress has been achieved in areas such as healthcare and education, significant gains have been made in tackling poverty and millions more have access to safe drinking water. However, the world is a very different place to when the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were designed at the turn of the century. A number of global challenges, such as climate change, have emerged which were then less recognised, others such as inequality have taken deeper root, while the systems, models and paradigms by which we live our lives have been shown to function in the interests of only a few and to be unsustainable and even destructive in the longer term.
The CONCORD-Beyond 2015 European Task Force (ETF) believes that the post-2015 framework will need to take into consideration these realities. However, it must be built, this time, on an analysis of the root causes of the new and remaining challenges and a projection of how these will affect the planet and its people over the next generation, or 20 years. We urge world leaders to come together to design a single, integrated and comprehensive post-2015 framework, based on the three dimensions of sustainable development and just governance and building on the synergies between all four areas.”
Das Papier zum Download gibt es hier
Die österreichische zivilgesellschaftliche Positionierung ist hier zu finden